
At GIS Surveyors, our motto is our solutions are limitless. Our measurements are precise.
Multifaceted geospatial firm. Land surveying, GIS, and Lidar-centric. LIdar returns a point cloud using lasers to build an engineering model to deliver to our clients. Geospatial encompasses land surveying and gis.

We started under the premise that our clients want a more accurate and precise solution using both the experience of a land surveying company along with GIS, and providing a more easy-to-use solution. Use the latest tech and software to get the data they need to make informed decisions.
Top-of-the-line equipment.

Essential to us is safety. We want to ensure staff come home at night and are safe.

Team members are high quality and team-oriented, and the good thing about them is that they work together as one team. We are a disabled veteran enterprise. Large veteran workforce, strong ethic, and good character. Our employees are the best. They are intelligent, precise, and committed to safety.

Employees are owners and operators. Our employees for hiring for character and quality people means our employees already had pride of ownership. We just made it official.

We put 100% effort into our work. We have a robust QA/QC process, and two sets of eyes look at everything we deliver.

We get the difficult jobs because we can do those jobs, and they are what define us. We’re known to be able to take on those jobs and deliver the highest quality. Sometimes they are challenging, but the reward is great. For example, some of our clients who have been in the land surveying field for 30 years have received our final deliverable and said it is better than anything they’ve seen — including their own work.

Especially when you see the client is happy with our product and when they come back for more. Some clients have been so impressed with our work that they ask us to embed our employees within their organization and train them on how we do our processes because they are so impressed with the end product we provide. Our standards are very high. Every detail and every measurement can be trusted because our measurements are precise.

Limitless solutions. Precise measurements. GIS Surveyors a Geospatial firm.